was on a roll last night. Got inspiration for today’s playlist for work 👌

Concert? Loved it. The fact that a few hours later I’m about to board a flight back across the country? Not as much.

This also has to be the most Latino/Hispanic Portland has ever looked, I’m sure. And I’m here for it 🤙

$30 for two beers but it’s okay! Far away from work and the real world (for tonight)

Flew across the country to see Bad Bunny. It’s goin down 🇵🇷🇵🇷🐰🐰🇵🇷🇵🇷

“We didn’t use tear gas in Lafayette Square. We used OC canisters.”

... kind of a difference w/o a distinction

And of course his most heinous offense is causing the 2600 magazine to devolve into some dumpster fire conspiracy theory machine. *sigh*

Not that he was really whistleblowing on ANYTHING. Very little of his “revelations” had to do with the 4th Amendment let alone the privacy of US Persons at all and should only have appeared scary sounding to those that weren’t technologically literate.

I hope Snowden is looking at this whistleblower process and the protections afforded like, “Well, I’ll be damned 🤕”

Btw, being a normal person and not having to worry about engineering homework is bomb af.

I completely forgot how much of a “Not Real Madrid” fan I am. Let’s go Arsenal I guess!!

Grades are trickling in and all that matters is I got an A in my electricity and magnetism class!

Cap and Gown season. I’m officially a computer engineer now.

God bless the GI Bill.

I'm still alive. Home stretch of this degree.

FYSA: run Ghidra in a VM (duh). I wish I had enough time to play w/ it right now 😞

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