Oy....I'm a tired home health nurse....I get checks every two weeks.
8 weeks ago my check was for 23 visits
6 weeks ago, 28 visits
4 weeks ago, 36 visits
2 weeks ago, 45 visits
Money is good though....

Cute tape job....and then there's a guy on the other side of me that had to check on the Yoda doll in his backseat *headscratch*

Strange happenings at the abode....I really suspect the parents aren't telling me something....the whole deny deny deny scenario.

*during the day-can hold your bladder for hours*

*during the night-kidneys and bladder activate the overdrive function*

🤔 the more I observe moms behaviors and thinking back on other times following counseling, and what my sister has shared with me on her end, it's no wonder my brain short circuited 4 years ago in combination with the death of my grandparents traumatic accident. Mom is racist, sexist, elitist, prejudiced, cynical, and a narcissist, but she words things in a way that most people think she's being nice to you.

When you have to change the fitted sheet on your bed cuz the puppy yakked and you open a drawer and mumble to yourself that's the flat sheet, open another drawer and discover the first drawer, in fact, held the fitted sheet, because that's how well you paid attention to the instructional video on YouTube. You fooled your damn self that you thought it was the flat sheet...

Not exactly wrong....I've watched out the window my fair share of times....

It's refreshing to see a manager out on the floor busting his ass just as much as the low man at Culvers

Thank you Experian for notifying me that my SSN was found again on the dark web. The potential site being AT&T data. Explains why I'm getting spammy calls suddenly, but I have a good call filter and all my credit bureaus reports are locked already.

Oh. Totally a speed trap coming back the other way I noticed. Construction on the roads is starting today. And they have really ramped up work zone safety around here ever since two workers got killed several years ago from a speeding car.

Just saw 3 civilian cars and 5 cop cars. That won't end well for someone

Time to put the work computer down when your eyes start crossing....

Yall need 3 different passwords to access my charting system. 😈

(3/3) -dad then talked to me yesterday and said they were fine financially saying my sister had asked since I had talked to my sister about the penny pinching (and yes I did ask) and I mentioned her depression

- I mentioned why are you guys always whispering when I'm not in the room? He said I could move out if I wanted, but I said financially it wasn't possible

Uuuuuggggghhhh.....what are thoughts????

(2/?) - asked my sister why the whispering then? She said that it was because mom was mad and she didn't want to hear us talking anymore. So I called her out and said I didn't believe her foster adoption stuff answer

-she then said they were talking about mom's face stuff (the cyst that she says is there that derm insists she sees psych) so she could hear, because she had closed the door to the room she was in

(1/?)Pretty sure I know the answer but I need some input:
I asked my dad and sister what they are talking about behind my back- I got 3 different answers. So I feel like there's some lies going on and I'm somewhere in the mix.

-asked my sister first what she was talking to dad about and I clearly heard "we will figure it out when we get there" and "hospital"

-my sister's response was "foster adoption stuff" which she and hubby are pursuing

Puppy is a little prince apparently. Can't possibly get his tootsies wet with the rain. Old doggo still hates getting wet but very light rain he is past the point of caring now.

Finally got in for an oil change. I'm only 300 miles overdue for the 10,000 recommended oil change for hybrids. I've been busy.

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