"in early 1916, Jung (1963) and his family experienced a sequence of uncanny events (i.e., his eldest daughter espied a ghostly visage, his second daughter had her blankets snatched away in the night, and his son was beset by an anxious dream and fitful ravings that left him oblivious of his parasomnia and completely exhausted.
followed the next evening by the frantic ringing of his doorbell with no physically discernible cause.
Jung exclaimed, “The atmosphere was thick, believe me!”
"Jung (2009) claims:
The whole house was as if there was a crowd present, crammed full of spirits.
They were packed deep right up to the door and the air was so thick it was scarcely possible to breathe.
Then I said to the dark ones, ‘So speak, you dead.’
And immediately they cried in many voices,
“We have come back from Jerusalem, where we did not find what we sought. We implore you to let us in.
You have what we desire. Not your blood, but your light. That is it.”
yes, indeed 🙏🏻
"Jung’s personal experiences of the numinosum include his overwhelming portentous fantasies of bloody catastrophe,
his descent into the imaginal realm,
his encounter with the Spirit of the Depths, the recovery of his soul,
and his communion with personified archetypal beings who presented themselves to Jung’s ego image as wholly other."
paying attention to how the unconscious surrounds us.
everything we see, hear, touch, smell, everything has been presented to "us" through unconscious processes.
we experience the results of countless complex and intricately aligned processes going on unconsciously.
heartbeat, digestion, healing, all unconscious. even breathing, most of the time.
our cocky consciousness
a cockleshell boat
on a vast and mostly unknown sea.
we pilot our vessels
over the great water
in hope.
"magic is born from a headlong collision with the unconscious
whereupon one recognizes that although one has tried “ones best to steer the chariot,” that in fact “a greater other is actually steering.”
According to Jung’s ego image, this is when “the magical operation takes place”.
This magical procedure (i.e., the reconciliation of the opposites),
the transcendent function, is enacted precisely by Jung in his preceding dialogue with Philemon."