good morning all🙏🏻✌🏽🖖
Hildegarde von Bingen (1100–1178)
“But the light I see is not local, but far off, and brighter than
the cloud which supports the sun.
I can in no way know the
form of this light since I cannot entirely see the sun’s disc.
within this light I see at times, and infrequently, another light
which is called by me the living light,"
continue ⬇️
“At all lonely ones I now throw my fishing rod.
Give answer to the flame’s impatience,
Let me, the fisher on high mountains,
Catch my seventh, last solitude!”
"three designating symbols of the libido:
First, the comparison by analogy, as sun and fire.
Second, the comparisons based on causative relations, as
A: Object comparison. The libido is designated by its object, for example, the beneficent sun.
B: The subject comparison, in which the libido is designated by its place of origin or by analogies of this, for example, by
phallus or (analogous) snake”
Excerpt From
Psychology of the Unconscious.
Jung's comments:
"“Here libido becomes fire, flame and snake. The
Egyptian symbol of the “living disc of the sun,” the disc
with the two entwining snakes, contains the combination
of both the libido analogies. The disc of the sun with
its fructifying warmth is analogous to the fructifying
warmth of love. The comparison of the libido with sun
and fire is in reality analogous.”
Excerpt From
Psychology of the Unconscious / A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido.
C. G. Jung