Helvedius boosted

Hey, CoSo crew...

I have a tech oriented blog aimed at educating non-technical folks on issues, concepts, and risks that *should* matter to them.

What issues do you wish your friends, family, or colleagues understood better? What pain points do you experience on a daily basis?

I'm fishing for some topic ideas to throw into my backlog. If you've got something you wish someone would write about, let me know!

Any experts around ?

I am complete beginner with the tool and am trying to understand why most entities don't have transforms and how do I add transforms to them except for writing them myself?

I keep seeing people who blame others for their situation. Even if others have something to do with it, look in thyself first and see what you could have done better. True character is built with self-improvement and responsibility towards oneself.

Helvedius boosted

So, a quick addition to my post about the oceans. I have not yet looked into who dumps trash in the oceans and seas, however I found out the following: between 2016-17 The UK has sent millions of tones of waaste to China due to inability to ccope with the amounts of trash british citizens produce and China has declared that it will no longer accept western trash for recycling, thus, creating west-waste crisis.

The fact alone that I feel scared for my reputation for just posting this video obliges me to do it even more so!


I think we are better than that! Let's clean our oceans by supporting organisations who care! theoceancleanup.com/

I've been studying the digital divide (this is the divide between people who use ICTs (information and communication technologies) and those who dont) and found out that in the UK alone “Women are 35% more likely to go to university than men, and youngsters in London are more likely to go to university than
anywhere else in the UK.” ”…poor white men, in places such as north-east England, the least
likely to get university places.”

The statistics are from the UK gov website.

@th3j35t3r So, I am an ethical hacking student in Coventry University and wanted to cheer you up by saying that our Ethics lecturer actually endorses you and told us to follow you, so here am I... Writing my first toot!

PS# I am looking for a placement year as a pentester if anyone's offering anything in the UK. ( :D )


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