Idk about anyone else but am thoroughly enjoying The Offer tv series about the making of The Godfather. it has a 95% audience vs 45% critic on Rotten Tomatoes who got it totally wrong.

Steve Schmidt is taking down decades of russian gop corruption in one day...

All that russian blackmail on gop coming home to roost...

gypsydaze boosted


If the Firehose is too much, you can unpin it.

If a hashtag, word or phrase is annoying you, filter it.

If a person is annoying you, block them.

If you don't want to block them, mute them.

If you only want your friends to see your posts in feeds, set that as your default post privacy setting in your settings/preferences.

The tools are available for you to combine in your own way and make COSO your unique experience.


gypsydaze boosted

PSA - In this immediate aftermath of having to rapidly expand our infrastructure to cope with all the new users in such a short amount of time if you clock any 500 errors - don't wig out, it's me I'm having to tune our backend environment.

👊 👍

delivers epic line at WHCD tonight..😅 “We had a horrible plague…followed by two years of Covid.”

gypsydaze boosted

^^^ Recommend checking it out with your fave song on. It can't hear it, but your mind will use auto-suggestion to make all the parts fit.

Much like current social media does to you.

No shit. Try it. Feed back welcome.

gypsydaze boosted

Hey New Folks… Looking for folks with similar interests? Check out CoSo’s extensive list of established hashtags to find folks chatting about things you like. Than look up their profile pages and read through their posts to see if they might be a good follow for you.

Check out the profile of @realDDGlover for lists of Hashtags for interests. Just click ID and it will open on right-hand column. Scroll down through lists. finding this has proved helpful for all us newbie cosonauts..

got that 2nd booster today..ready to roll...weaving my way in and out of this new platform..

gypsydaze boosted

Brand new here - just touring around and getting a feel for this new experience. Hi everyone !!

gypsydaze boosted

Lovely New People, Welcome!

I’d love to keep welcoming individually but need to get painting! Please share this with the arrows next to the star, below. It will help the other new folks.
Here’s a User Guide

@Knitpurrl and @realDDGlover have good info on their pages that will help you get acclimated.

Let know if you need anything! 🌻

gypsydaze boosted

For those just signing on, here’s the CoSo user guide…

Welcome! I’m on my way out for the evening but hope you enjoy CoSo as much as we do!

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.