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P1: So, Burt, when you see a new customer come into the eating area of our restaurant, what will your first action be?
Burt: Take off, make a low run, and crap on them.
P2: Um...
P1: haven't worked in customer service before, have you?

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OK folks, here is a Tip Of The Iceberg.
A view into my 8000 tunes that cannot be bought in any record store and listened to on streaming services. They fell off of trucks, disappeared from studios or radio stations.

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"Yes this is my house and you are extremely privileged to be using My House"
Phoebe on guitar case, Kitty Key, February 2020

REMINDER: When an institution or its leaders, on being criticized, reacts with something like "you don't know how any of this works", they are telling you that (a) they live in a bubble, and (b) they are incapable of processing input from outside of the bubble.

So far, Columbia, NYU and Princeton have embraced authoritarian actions against their student bodies for exercising their rights of peaceful protest.
The action that would modify the actions of these universities are medium-term, and comprise (a) lawsuits filed against them by students (b) a refusal by alumni to support the university in any way. Universities depend on alumni for a lot of money, and refusal to donate will hurt them in the medium term.

The insistence by supporters of Donald Trump that he should be called "President Trump" is not correct.
Yet more BS from the cult.

The British Royal Family is like watching the slow death of a business whose business model is obsolete, and whose leaders are unable to communicate their strategy or behave appropriately in public.

The biggest need the Dallas Cowboys have in the draft is for a new General Manager.

The "both sides" mass media syndrome laid bare. You can't get a clearer explanation than that.

Steve Bannon may have shown up here, but he was too cheap to go Pro.

15 years ago, at a local PMI meeting, I found myself on the same table as an automotive I.T. consultant.
His view was that in 10-15 years, auto manufacturers would be giving away cars for nothing, because they would be making their revenues from onboard software.
Tesla appears to be the most aggressive with this model. However, other auto makers are occasionally trying it.
The era of your controlling ownership of any object controlled by vendor software may be ending quite soon. looks like I just blocked Steve Bannon.

Another article about the Miami restauranteur and supporter of Ron DeSantis who was blissfully in favor of draconian action on immigration.

OMG, the defenders of Trump have sunk below mediocrity in their attempts to defend him in his current trial.
They're writing like gibbering fucking morons.

...and they cannot bring themselves to say publicly "we fucked up"...

Restaurant owner votes for Leopards Eating Faces party, is dismayed that they start to eat his face.

It is utterly amazing how a few hundred protesters at Columbia University have triggered an amazing level of outrage and demands for actions that are vindictive, disproportionate and flat-out unconstitutional.

@gshevlin @NorthernInvader
Ashland is setting up pallet villages for the homeless. Putting policies in place before incarceration.
Home of the Renaissance hippies so a little more liberal.

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