Between yourself and @AndersonArtwork, I have no idea which I appreciate more. You both have a lot of skill and you need to give it to
@Heucuva8 @AndersonArtwork I am always happy when others enjoy the images I share. And @AndersonArtwork images are amazing!
Get to share with others who can appreciate and be inspired by the work always seems to be the completion of the Art process, for me. It doesn't truly become one's own individual language until it is transmitted to others. They may not get the message but I need to speak the message or they never can get it
@AndersonArtwork @Heucuva8 I have several teachers who use my images in their classrooms (including my daughter). They find the images to be calming and educational for their students. Knowing that gives me great joy. The whole process is relaxing for me and sharing them brings everything together.
@AndersonArtwork @Heucuva8 My daughter lives beyond where the sidewalk ends. The digital age there is way behind what we have here. They got cell service only a couple of years ago and only if you are standing in the right spot. I'm glad I am able to have the tech I do! LOL