For all those still hanging onto every word of louise mensch and gang.

You should read up. 👇
RT @[email protected] How gaslighting affects your mental health

Florida Republican Congressman Francis Rooney just said on MSNBC that there should be a “purge” of some top senior DOJ officials in “off the rails” Russia probe

The Democrat in the tied Virginia House race says she’ll sue over the disputed ballot

Shelly Simonds will ask the Newport News Circuit Court to reverse its decision following a recount to count a disputed ballot for Republican incumbent David Yancey


"Trump's Stand-In Bureaucrats May Have Overstayed Limits"

"Donald Trump’s slow pace of hiring for key government jobs has left stand-ins occupying positions for so long that it may violate time limits on acting appointments, potentially resulting in decisions being overturned in court"

At this point the Russians already have the keys to the car and they're waiting to drive away with it.

Report: FBI Fingerprint Software Contains Russian-Made Code via @[email protected]

Florida voters, your help is needed.
1 in 10 Florida adults is banned from voting because of a past conviction. Florida is one of only four states that permanently takes away their vote. We need 159,608 more Florida registered voters to sign this petition by February 1st, 2018 to put an initiative on the ballot that would restore their ability to vote.

just tipped over 12K users, in like 5 weeks. Merry Christmas.

Context: After ONE YEAR Twitter had 16K users.

Math is awesome.

This is funny but concerning, right? Is he nervous or does he have hand tremors? The latter could signify a neurological disorder. This is how my friend’s mom, who is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s, drinks her drinks.

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GEN-WHY-> Question Everything!

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