¿Que pasa camaradas? After a long and very much needed break I'm kicking around again on social media. What a crazy few months it has been. Anything exciting happen over the past few months? 🤔

That's me in the corner. That's me listening to AM radio to slowly fall asleep 🎵

I just got an email with the subject "I stuffed her turkey".... Alright, you've gotta work on your metaphors seriously. That is gross.

How do I specify a message as a direct message? :P

Man I just realized, the difference between throwing up and throwing down is immense.

One good thing about making tacos for one is that I can eat them for days.

Meet the Engineer Preserving The Last Analog Motion Graphics Machine


Dude I want THIS fucking job!

I hate that my chair is deciding how high I get to sit now haha

That little "woooosh" part on my chair is failing I guess cause every once in a while I start slowly sinking. Haha, fuck oh well.

@spacesloth Do you recall if we disabled "Bridge Mode" on the Comcast router the other evening?

Incandescent bulbs waste 95% of the energy that they use. Who the hell thought "Yeah, this design'll work."

Of course there is a band called "Fluids" LOL... it is heavy metal after all.

Can't decide on bacon egg cheddar jack sandwich or just traditional scrambled eggs, bacon, toast.

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