QueenG boosted

I'm more than my escapism.
I'm more than my hypocrisy.
I'm more than my ethics.
I'm more than my view.
I'm more than my race.
I'm more than my gender.
I'm more than my sex.
I'm more than my philosophy.
I'm more than my ideology.
I'm more than my religion.
I'm more than my politics.
I'm more than my truth.
I'm more than my deception.
I'm more than an enemy.
I'm more than a friend.

I'm more, no less.


QueenG boosted
QueenG boosted
QueenG boosted
QueenG boosted

Just wanna say thank you to everyone who made their voice heard regarding them temporarily removing us from the Play Store. (We're back now). I'm sure your tweets, emails and THIS surely helped motivate them to extract their head outta their ass 🀩 >>>


QueenG boosted

I know that many of you are brave, even though you may not publicly reveal your demons. I salute you.

QueenG boosted

We all know how the billionaires are raping the country and using inflated prices in their companies to do it. But this from Forbes really sums it up…
β€œβ€¦The combined net worth of the planet’s billionaires has skyrocketed by 545%, over the pas two decades, to $14.2 trillion - quadruple the 111% rise in world GDP…”
And they want to elect trump to lower the taxes for them even more.





QueenG boosted

Since today is Albert 's birthday, let's play a game.
Post Einstein quotes, but make them fake!


"We shall fight them on the beaches." Albert 1944

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