Doctor Who revamps classic black and white episodes for 60th anniversary - Lost Doctor Who episodes from the 1960s will be brought back to life :tardis: 💌

The two stories that will be getting the animation treatment are William Hartnell’s penultimate story The Smugglers, and Patrick Troughton’s third adventure, The Underwater Menace

Both four-part stories were originally transmitted by the BBC before film prints were sold overseas and the original tapes were destroyed

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It's been so long since I've been on here. The fact that the sentiment meter seems to be all the way in the red must mean that the midterms aren't going well. Being an ex-pat, there were some extra hoops to voting, but it was worth it. Even if we lose Warnock...

Some more about me while I’m chomping on a bowl of cereal.
I’m from the South. I say things like fixin’ ta, y’all hush, and I’m-a check ‘at out.
I turn older in a few days. I’m a ‘saw the original Muppet Movie in the theater three times’ old.
I lurve comics, movies made with love, and curry with nan.
I’m a hubby and a daddy to an 8yo.
When I’m not teaching, I translate and interpret Japanese<>English. Doing this I’ve met several of my heroes.
My dream is to be hired by a uni full-time. Peace.

It’s Sunday morning here and I should be watching a classic noir flick before wife and kid wake up, but I have papers to grade, a research plan to write, and an outline on a horror manga story by Junji Ito.
And I better eat something. I’ll be back!

Hello. New here. I live in Japan and I talk about monsters for a living.

Patrick Ijima-Washburn

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