The new Quinnipiac poll looks real good for Sanders. I'm feeling mad smug. Especially given the shit people have talked about him having low support among black voters, female voters, etc...

Um... pay to follow you on twitter...all of my lols, yeah no. I pay actual real newspapers that are doing quality reporting not a hack looking for a buck.

Shocking chart shows how badly Trump botched the effort to restore Puerto Rico’s power

Islanders know what it’s like when Trump treats you like a ‘s**thole.'

Steelworkers turn on Trump: “We’re worse off now than we were” before the election

Add Trump's broken promises to steelworkers to his mountain of failures.

EWWWW. Porn star Stormy Daniels to 'In Touch': Trump said I was “just like his daughter”

@th3j35t3r would love to see some other donation options other than . The transaction fees are so high for it that it is prohibitive to donating. Just a thought.

Any fans here? , or ? Curious to hear how you feel about the latest dip, is it the normal Jan dip, or indicative of a larger bubble bursting? I am personally buying XRP during the dip, but as with any crypto, only invest what you can afford to completely lose.

The fact that I can say Fuck you Trump, you are the worst fucking thing to happen to this country and not be banned is just awesome.

Here from the twit, curious to see how this works.


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