Robitussin's honey DM formula reminds me of Sambuca.
At 28+ years in recovery, why tf do I recall minutiae like this? There's a working concept in AA/NA which posits that those who can't recall their last drunk/high haven't had it yet.
Yes, I remember hitting rock-f*cking-bottom in 1995. Still, non-disastrous recollection of a gross black licorice liqueur tried nearly 35 years ago?
My brain is one crazy damned vault at times. #CoSoRecovery
@fugitive247 Taste and smell are strongly tied to memories. It's a good survival trait - if something you ate made you violently ill, the memory of the smell and taste of that thing will deter you from eating it again.
It does create odd situations in the here and now - my grandparents sold clothes and their apartment smelled of new clothes. Any time I put a new shirt on, the smell takes me back. I appreciate that not all such occurrences are as pleasant.