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Bark bark bark bark bark
bark bark bark bark bark
That is all, bark bark
by Fren

Contemplative moi
also I love lying in dirt.

*gets up, kicks dirt everywhere*

Mom lets me roll around on the grass at the park. I wuv it 🐾

My mom says I have to vote in polls 😜

I haz lots of skin and fur around my neck cuz I'm part Coonhound.
Here iz me contemplating life after a good plant sniff.
bark bark bark

Bark bark bark bark bark
bark bark bark bark bark
That is all, bark bark
by Fren

Bark bark bark I went for a walk at the park!!

I woof my mom. She got a new harness for me. It's varry compawable.

BARK BARK... bark

mom took me on a hike today.

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Hello Frens

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