I am so, so angry. I have a HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 I bought less than a year ago. Last night I realized there was no admin password set. Generated one in LastPass, copied it to the clipboard and pasted it 3 times. once into notepad, twice into the printer web form to configure the password. Set, ok login. INVALID PASSWORD? WTF? Now, I come to find out HP doesn't list any way to remove set passwords. All the resets I've done have come back to the same spot. This is suddenly a paperweight.
@webshaun if that doesn't work, try this. It's for a different HP printer, but they often have similar firmware, and this was flagged as working for an 8210:
The trick seemed to be not to press the go back during or immediately after reboot. I also think the usb cable was unplugged.
Press the "Go Back" (looks like an arrow) button 5 times in a row
Press Support Menu
Hit the > button to "Reset" Menu
Hit the > button to Partial Reset
@formica So it turned out that they have a 16 char limit on their admin passwords. I cut off the last couple chars of my selected password and poof, worked. I'm back in and it isn't a paperweight anymore.
@webshaun thank you for sharing that tidbit, that's very good information. That's the kind of thing that'll drive a person mad - as it clearly did with you. I hope I wasn't patronizing!
The next step was to try and figure out if there was a way to get into a TFTP firmware flash, or failing that, serial-level terminal access. What a pain in the ass. Like it wasn't bad enough they put DRM on their ink.
@formica RIGHT?! If I wasn't a computer consultant, I'd never have figured this out. I was desperate at the point where I started shaving off characters from the password I was confident I sent to the unit.
@formica Yup, did the partial reset trick last night. Didn't remove the password. I did a network reset from the printer which specifically says it will remove the admin password. nothing. I'm stunned. I own a brick for a printer. I'm going with Epson going forward. Their ES-400 scanner has been a workhorse for years now.
@webshaun one more, also from the HP support forums. Similar situation to yours, locked out of the admin password. Similar mechanism, special/partial data reset. This shortened link was created by me and goes to hp.com: