Kristine boosted

UPDATE: Reports of an Iranian ballistic missile attack against Kurdish forces in Koysinjaq, Iraq

The stores are crazy with Christmas sales right now. Parking is the usual holiday fun. Will you be heading out today?

Kristine boosted

@forced2laugh I'm still trying to figure this platform out. This is my first post and first time back after signing up.

Kristine boosted

I am so excited to see some friends from twitter on here. We need something!! Happy to see you all😘

Kristine boosted
Kristine boosted
Kristine boosted

Twitter is crashing they say. Get ready.....we have a flood of people joining us!

Kristine boosted

According to the Twitter employees that I follow after Elmo's latest email threat there are about 200 employees left. Elmo locked down the Twit building worried about sabotage. So until Monday there is nobody home.

Kristine boosted


Good to know. Got my Moderna booster #3 last week. Having covid in August, I will take every precaution to prevent getting it again. Including masking.

Covid is Not Over.

Wow the market is doing well. Democrats have that effect.

When you plan your day and Amazon tells you your delivery is coming! Yeah but ughhhhh

Kristine boosted
Kristine boosted

It's going to be a long day friends. Do a good deed, make a call, take someone to the polls. VOTE!!!πŸ—³οΈ

Good Morning! Let's get out and VOTE!! πŸ’™ πŸ—³οΈ

Kristine boosted
Kristine boosted

Just started this account. I am active on Twitter but it is about to implode, so this is my safe escape! Excited to meet some new people. Feel free to say hi πŸ‘‹

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