holy cow I was finally able to log back in after forever. why have I somehow unfollowed a bunch of people?

Does anyone know if a receiver on a Western Union transaction can use a fake name with a real banking account/routing number? I got scammed and looking for some info..

Any of y'all think the organization Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking is legit or has legit intentions?

That was the organization that the CEO held my wages, and the more people I talk to, the more people I find that after visiting their site, atrvt.org, that it's a scam. and i'm starting to side with them...


Still have not been able to locate my friend Lexii. she is not a missing person that I know of, just a long distance friend that has vanished from contact, and I worry about her health and safety as her conditions were not the greatest.


my former boss, Conchita Sarnoff, now under tremendous pressure from Georgetown University, will be sending the check to the Dean's office to hold her accountable for it's arrival. She owes me over $2000 and knew she was withholding wages and trying to pay me under minimum wage

Will let yall know the minute I get the check in my hands.

INTERNSHIP BATTLE UPDATE: I have a meeting with the school deans today to discuss what's happening with my internship. My boss left me an almost 3 minute long voicemail last night, apologizing profusely but never admitting she did anything wrong. Only that it was "not her intention". The other half was her stuttering and complaining about how stressed she is.

Update: Apparently my boss now owes me over $3000 in unpaid wages, not just $2000. I was supposedly getting $12/hr and i didn't realize that's illegal because under DC min wage law she's supposed to pay me $13.25 at least.

this just keeps getting more and more fun. especially during Finals season. this whole thing is a mess.

- Facebook says it could be fined as much as billion by the federal government after a year of data privacy scandals t.co/N4DmGfh3Ul

- David and Louise Turpin were each sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for torturing their children for years t.co/7Lvp0iCith

Also finally got a new laptop for the first time in nearly ten years. Crazy

Afternoon everybody! If you’re Christian, happy Good Friday, if you’re jewish, happy Passover and Seder! If you’re any other religion/no religion, happy Friday! The weekend has started!

I broke Spyder..and spyder broke me.. my poor laptop. Windows 7 Home Vista just doesn't cut it anymore..

Sometimes legal clinics can be really helpful, other times, you realize how understaffed they really are to meet demand. It's sad really..

- Two Chinese intelligence officers have been charged by the United States Justice Department with trying to steal the details for a type of jet engine technology from US-based companies t.co/v21YrFoSW6

- President Trump is in Pittsburgh to meet with victims of the synagogue massacre, despite objections from local officials over the timing of his trip. Follow live updates. t.co/4KmvP31SC2

Even though my internship is for an extremely good cause, my boss just thinks I'm able to get the emails of senators and their staff at the drop of a hat. Um... no. I'm a 19 year old college student with google, not a 47 year old veteran in DHS with years of ties to the Gov.

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Cheyenne Martin

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