First day back at work today after 14 weeks of lockdown. No customers till Monday, but jeez. I am not prepared.

I won some books! A huge thank you to @Dymocksbooks and @HachetteAus ; I can't wait to dive into these! As an added bonus, I'm giving away my copy of by @misterkristoff & @AmieKaufman No strings attached, just hit me up if you're keen!

I really do appreciate this social platform, and the good humans who inhabit it. Thank you, all.

My soul hurts. Feeling really overwhelmed at work, and but the state of the world. I am struggling.

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John Kelly’s exit interview lifts the curtain on the chaos within the Trump White House

Kelly said he made sure that Trump had access to multiple streams of detailed information before he made a decision even if the president says he often relies on his gut, rather than U.S. intelligence

The president just wants to make a decision based on no knowledge and ignorance Kelly said You may not like his decision but at least he was fully informed on the impact

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Detaching from reality: Trump's lying reaches new heights — but the truth is catching up to him

An analysis by the Washington Post Fact Checker shows that Trump made over 7,600 false statements in 2018 — a rate of more than 15 lies per day, or nearly triple the rate in 2017.

Just introduced my sister to the wonders of bullet journalling, since neither of us like too much structure and it frees you up to do as much or as little as you like.....and down the rabbit hole she goes, hahaha!

This is my yearly to be kind to those working in retail and hospitality, especially at this time of year...they don't get two weeks off at Xmas/NY, and are often well burnt out by New Years Day. Kindness is magic, folks xx

Made it through the New Years Day movie madness at work today; off to a good start in 2019!

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It's worth remembering every now and then that Trump is horrible at being president. The basic tasks are as far beyond him as it would be for a parakeet attempting to operate the Large Hadron Collider.
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Thats a great line

Went back to childhood home for Xmas. Something tells me my two monsters missed me while I was away....

Merry Christmas COSO! Apologies for the belated wishes, I was having a social media break xx🎄🍷

I legit laughed at this for about 45 minutes. Every time I think about it, it makes me giggle...

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Saturday nights after work are for kitten cuddles & random bad/good films like

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