"Bloomberg News estimated in 2014 that 1,750 fans per year are hurt by batted balls at MLB games. Amid debates over how much protection teams should offer spectators, we wanted to find out which areas of stadiums might be the most dangerous, which could help us figure out what could be done to prevent more fan injuries."
@Dane NOTHING to do with phones.
I'm a season ticket holder. I sit in foul ball areas. Those balls move REALLY FAST.
And I've seen a lot of injuries, sigh.
@estherschindler The most dangerous part of the stadium is certainly the beer line ...
@lufthans When Cubs fans are in town, especially.
@estherschindler 'keep your eye on the ball' signs? 🤔 Mandatory full face motorcycle helmets? I remember a happier time when baseball was America's thing and dumdums didn't stare at their phones rather than watch the game. Darwin told us this problem would be self regulating. 😎