Every day, 110 people are shot to death in the US. That's more than the *combined* daily number of US military deaths during the wars in Vietnam (11), Korea (30), the American Revolutionary War (11), the Mexican–American War (29) and the War of 1812 (15).
All of this - the mass shootings, the sense that gun owners are all crazy (or wise, depending on your beliefs) is driven by the NRA. Once a gun safety organization, it's now the marketing arm of gunmakers who want to sell as many as possible.
@Sandywb14 - I really figured Sandy Hook was going to be the catalyst for sensible legislation. But a handful of Democrats chose to side with the NRA-owned Republicans to kill the ensuing gun bill. The NRA always buys off enough politicians to get their ends accomplished.
Unfortunately, yes. Will we ever reach a tipping point?
I don't think so. There are too many guns out there. Around 1.3 for every person in the US. There's no political will for a gun grab either. Maybe ban high-capacity magazines or make bullets more expensive, idk.
It worries me that we are getting desensitized.