Looking for the folks from the bird app that have migrated to this platform. Anyone out there?

‘O, the wrapping outside is frightful,
It’s covered with a spiteful,
Reptilian so and so,
Make it go, make it go, make it go’

There was a joke back when I was in grade school, something about a farmer, a prize pig, and a curious monkey recently escaped from the zoo.

I don't remember how it went exactly but it ended with a giant explosion of pigshit and the punchline: "...all I saw was this little monkey trying to put the cork back in..."

Devin Nunes is that monkey right now.

And link to the site that tracks Trump's wastage of tax payer dollars on golf: trumpgolfcount.com/

It was just reported on MSNBC
that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff received no notification or briefing on the Baghdadi operation.
- - -

This is a violation of constitutional levels, it's etched in Law, the gang of 8, of which Schiff is a member, is always notified, in fact it's REQUIRED they be notified BEFORE such action takes place

another impeachable offense

I hate lightning. I'm in a damn hotel because lightning struck and fried my electricity into my house. On the other hand, I don't have to cook dinner.

I need to visit more often. Why am I so much more addicted to Twitter?

GOP continues their blatant lie on Healthcare...

Paul Krugman

So if you’re a voter who cares about health care, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out where the parties stand. If you believe that Medicare is a bad thing and the government shouldn’t protect people with pre-existing conditions, vote Republican. If you want to defend Medicare and ensure coverage even for those who have health problems, vote Democrat.


Is the Cosoguard post telling me I'm involved in a data breach real? On another platform I would assume it's phishing, but I'm not sure here.

Mitch McConnell (2015):
We can't have hearings on Obama's supreme court nominee, because there's an election next year and the people deserve to choose who will make the nomination

Also Mitch McConnell (2017):
We're going to vote on this bill before we seat Doug Jones, because ... Um... Well, honestly, because fuck you, that's why.

I am so tired of the "women invite sexual harassment from men because of the way they dress" line.

Dogs may hump your leg because they don't know any better, but they can be trained not to. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that we shouldn't expect less of adult men than we do our household pets - the concept is not difficult. And when WOMEN lay the blame on other women? Oh man, that ticks me off.


State Department Scraps Sanctions Office-Foreign Policy
Instead of handing out Russian sanctions, the office ceased to exist.
& /#Trump figured out how to nullify ’ power.

RT @[email protected]: You did not choose your:
1 birthplace
2 skin color
3 family you were born into
4 birth gender
5 birth language
6 ethnicity

You can choose to be:
1 kind
2 generous
3 honest
4 grateful
5 respectful
6 optimistic
7 humble
8 teachable
9 hard working
10 living a recommendable life

This should be a surprise to no one. Just think of this as a reminder. As more 'predators' are outted, there is a movement to discredit Dems.
I sound like a secondary character in a bad novel.



Louise Mensch and her followers are doxing people that follow Jester.

Act and react accordingly.

An apropos quote by Oscar Wilde: Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.

Hi. I am new here and figuring things out. Is there a FAQ I can go through to learn the hows of here? I know the whys and the none-of-thats (I agree with all), but am still trying to find out how it all works.


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.