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It's such a pleasure to put content on this site. People respond. I get to try out music I might never think to listen to. I see art I would never see otherwise. I read amazing writing. I get recommendations to check out articles and see photographs that move my soul. This place is the best, hands down.

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Can I just say, if you have not pinned and had it playing while you browse, you are missing out on some very fine moods.

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I love that here it's all about the quality of conversation and sharing of interests, not the number of followers we all had on other social media accounts. It's not even set up like that. In fact, it actually doesn't matter. Feel that weight dropping off your shoulders?

Dreeben: "We’re not seeking to impose criminal liability on the president for exercising or talking about exercising the appointment and removal power. No, what we’re seeking to impose criminal liability for is a conspiracy to use fraud to subvert the election.”

This whole thing should be a slam dunk, but we are all holding our breath to see if the right decision will be made. What a nightmare.

@elbutterfield Quite amazing, isn't it, we have gone 234 years without a need for absolute presidential immunity... until Trump.

Gorsuch and other conservative justices love to play the "what about" game with concerns about future scenarios to obfuscate.
Dreeben: "I am going to say something that I don't usually say, which is 'That is really not something that is involved in this case.'"

Alito: "Did I understand you to say, 'Well, you know, if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. He's subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else. You don't think he's in a peculiarly precarious position?"

Dreeben:"He's under a constitutional obligation ... he's supposed to be faithful to the laws of the United States and the Constitution of the United States.
And making a mistake is not what lands you in a criminal prosecution."

Sotomayor to Dreeben: "An encouragement to believe words that have somewhat been put in suspicion here, that no man is above the law."

Wow. I had to tune in to SCOTUS listening to Immunity arguments and had to compulsively clear my throat, trying to get this guy's frog out.

I would have paid REAL money to be in the courtroom when the judge read this Tweet out loud during jury selection.

Did we lose anyone to the Rapture yesterday?

And of course Texas has to be the first to escalate to state troopers. (Photo by Lily Kepner of the Austin American-Statesman)

Are we sure that Sentiment Meter is on? I am seeing a lot of hot language coming down the firehose and it never seems to leave neutral. Wondering what it would have to be to register in the red.

I swear there's a department in IKEA, a most well-respected department, where the Employee of the month gets to come up with make-believe Swedish names just to screw with Americans.

viewers, finished with the series but still need more? This is the official podcast that wraps up the series with interviews and background.

Whenever I question my education I am reassured that understand sword of Damocles references.

President Biden’s statement in part 9:44 p.m. Tuesday:

“ Tonight, a bipartisan majority in the Senate joined the House to answer history’s call at this critical inflection point …
I will sign this bill into law and address the American people as soon as it reaches my desk tomorrow so we can begin sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine this week.”

I don't know if in my nearly 60 years of watching television... I've seen anything more visually impactful and beautiful than Episode 10 of Shōgun...

So simple.. every angle thought through... Every action leading to the end...

His destiny is to never leave Japan...
Yoshii Toranaga

@elbutterfield a lot of we boys and girls saw the prospective emperor had no clothes. Then he became emperor and a plague struck the land and he suggested we drink bleach and/or put lights up our asses. More eyes opened and he lost an election but wouldn’t accept defeat and more eyes were opened to his nakedness. And so on, and on.

Also it made me think of how pathetic that must have looked; like some washed up old actor bringing his yellowed notices into the audition with him.

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E L Butterfield

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