Amazon customer: <enters room>
Alexa: I sense that you're depressed
AC: yeah?
Alexa: perhaps some retail therapy would work. would you like me to order a bunch of junk to help you fill that soul-crushing void in your life?
The moral of the story: Friends don't let friends allow retailers to know if they are depressed.
@0x56 all makes sense when you hit the Pillpack part of that article
@0x56 oh i'm sure they will also be pushing other stupid crap for users, that are deemed depressed by a wearable device, to purchase for the "feel good" factor
and "get your prescription from us" cause your wearable says you are depressed “happiness, joy, anger, sorrow, sadness, fear, disgust, boredom, stress, cough, sniffle" oh wait i just need Kleenex 😂