Hey @th3j35t3r would you please add Twitter crossposting instructions to the FAQ? It has never worked for me. Thanks.
@USAPatriot @th3j35t3r @ChuckBeretz I use Tooter a chrome extension that adds a toot button on Twitter and tweetdeck
you can toot or tweet or toot & tweet from it I've found it better than the crosspoting tool
@Bemet_Or @USAPatriot @th3j35t3r @ChuckBeretz
it's the evil twin at it AGAIN lol
@ecksmc @ChuckBeretz @th3j35t3r @Bemet_Or
Wut? Guess I'll muck on over to $%!#ter, which I rarely do cause CoSo, and see if I can figure this out.
@USAPatriot it's a handy tool BUT downside is you can only tweet & toot from Twitter can't toot and tweet from CoSo also pics won't show here from Twitter it's only text
if you get stuck holla
@ecksmc have anything for Opera?
@L_D_G afraid not only Firefox and Chrome
here's URL
@ecksmc @ChuckBeretz @th3j35t3r @USAPatriot "You (or your cheeky stunt double) sent a reminder to check out "Tooter" for Chrome:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tooter/okmlpjijminjkikninbkcnfmhkofgnnk "
The Chrome Web Store