One duck. Two duck. Red duck. Blue duck.

Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about Three duck?

I know you've always wondered what the Greatest Duck Graphic ever created is, so I wrote a little article about it:

Ducks on a pond. It's what this world's come to.

Taken at a local park.

DUCK NEWS: "The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center reported that three more wounded birds were discovered last Friday, all of which died after apparently being shot with a BB or pellet gun."

Hibiscus is wonderful in its ornamental role, but it has many other great uses. Not the least of which comes from some varieties that make a lovely, piquant tea, great for drinking on warm or cool days.

Jared boosted

I've been enthralled with sentences containing contradictions. Something like "I probably definitely will." In another I describe a series of increasingly absurd events with an absurd, "and" filled sentence. An increasingly absurd sentence to describe an increasingly absurd series of events. It resonates with me. I'm not sure dropping random sentences of poetry into stories is the best of ideas but when it flows well...

Jared boosted

Every day is a good day for a duck. Here's a beautiful emerald green one.


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