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DrWineau boosted

If you live in CO-03 & voted for
against MAGA Boebert, please check the status of your ballot.

Ballots are still being cured. We have only a few days to cure them. And your ballot could make the difference in this race. Check here:

DrWineau boosted

Great news! Democrat Katie Hobbs defeats MAGA favorite Kari Lake in high-stakes race for governor in Arizona

DrWineau boosted

Borrowed from another social media site: too good not to post here.

DrWineau boosted

well this is surprising but Justice Barrett declined to block student debt relief. This is going to help my wife so much

Roe v Wade was decided 7-2. The court should have to reach that same threshold if stare decisis is to be ignored.

P.S. Apparently there is no expectation of privacy.

Shake up the court.
leak all the decisions. let them sweat.

DrWineau boosted
DrWineau boosted
DrWineau boosted

Whatever number of black and brown fetuses there are being aborted, it is at the choice of a black and/or brown woman -- as it should be.

DrWineau boosted

If you are looking for a that will impress your friends, check this out! Donโ€™t let the fact that it is a and fool you. I have gotten more compliments on this recipe than anything else I have ever made, and almost everyone asks for a copy of it.

DrWineau boosted

Please feel free to borrow & share this message from Women's March regarding nationwide protests TODAY (May 3) at 5 PM your local time:

DrWineau boosted

Stare decisis is dead... now it''s all about SCOTUS decisions based on 'stare reverse engineeris'

I did not sleep well last night, as I suspect the same with many of you. Even coffee can't help with my troubled mind today. โ˜• โœŠ๐Ÿผ

Marilyn Monroe is rolling over in her grave this morning.

DrWineau boosted

Reading reports of Alito's draft opinion, I just want to counter that 50 years IS history.

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