The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.

- Mark Twain

Stevie Ray Vaughn. RIP from helicopter crash in 1990.

Jeff Healey. Blind from birth due to a rare cancer. RIP from that in 2008.

Stevie knew. I still get misty

Flyboy65 boosted
Flyboy65 boosted

i want to play air hockey and our arcade closed for obvious reasons.

I want my fun back

@th3j35t3r @Render

and to the rest of new friends

I am a child of the 60s and 70s. There was a band called "The Band"

Their final performance was doumented on vivnyl and video.

It was called the last Waltz

So may artists came to play to pay trubute

Here is one


Had to sell the plane. Times are tough. Back to memories. They arent't for sale.

"And all that remains is the faces and the names of the wives and the sons and the daughters"

-- Gordon Lightfoot

Flyboy65 boosted

Listen up folks. Our very own in-house expert on all things tactical, @Render, has launched a Substack with @phase. And yes, it is awesome. >>>

I got sent home due to nasty weather. Old school music was implied. Be safe

Flyboy65 boosted

LOL. Somebody just tried to DoS us. From one IP address.

This is me making sure @th3j35t3r is getting his beauty sleep. I'd hate to have to fly there and tell the missus she needs to conk him the head. ;-)

I was always a Molly Hatchet fan. One of the tightest bands I ever heard. Found this going going through my 400 plus vinyl collection. Enjoy of it's your cup of tea.

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