A short-eared owl in flight - background textured in post...

Taking a bow. A short-eared owl, about to drop on its prey. Skagit County, WA.

New image released by the Santos campaign...Santos Domingo...

It will be very ironic if the Republicans in Congress impeach Biden for mishandling classified documents, and enough Democrats in the Senate vote to convict... but Trump skates free with no impeachment conviction, and no conviction in the courts. The way things are going, it won't surprise me if Trump gets off yet again...never held accountable for anything...

dnarich boosted

The Pandemic isn't over - nowhere close! We've decided this is the new normal. Fuck that.

Yesterday in the US there were 150,000 NEW cases of . Same as the day before.

There were just over 1,500 deaths. A 33% increase.

Update your vaccinations and wear a mask people.

This is FAR from over.


Today, Senator Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic Party years after leaving the Democratic Party!

Biting my nails, waiting for the Georgia run-offs to be decided.

I still can't believe so many voted for Walker, a serial philanderer, wife abuser (violent!), inarticulate, inconsiderate, ignorant fool. Really Georgia??? Really???

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Sometimes beauty exists
without breathing
without thought,
yet with a perfection
that is without question.

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(with the melody of Let it Snow)


Oh, the climate on Tw is frightful
While here, it's just delightful
We are all in the know
Let Twitter go, let it go, let it go!

The hate doesn't show signs of stopping
We watch with corn a-popping
Their safety is way down low
Let Twitter go, let it go, let it go!


Stars above Grand Teton, Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton NP, September 25, 2018.

An osprey approaches its nest with a fish, on the Snohomish River, Washington state.

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