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@djvjgrrl that brief process that alito is a person without conscience, empathy, or imagination. in short, unfit for society, let alone the supreme court.

Alito's draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion uses the phrase "domestic supply of infants." It's real, on page 34. DOMESTIC SUPPLY OF INFANTS.

"Samuel Alito’s Antiabortion Inspiration: A 17th-Century Jurist Who Supported Marital Rape and Had Women Executed"

Musical Interlude: The Coup
They got the TV; We got the Truth
They own the Justices, We got the proof
We got hella people, they got helicopters
They got the bombs, but we got the Guillotine.

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Republicans in the Louisiana House advanced a bill Wednesday that would classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutors to criminally charge patients.

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“In a series of cases beginning in the early 1920s, the Court carved out a protected space for family, marriage, and children that the government is constrained from regulating,” Kimberly Wehle wrote last December. “A rollback of Roe could split this sphere open if the conservative theory that implied rights are constitutionally invalid takes hold, and states begin passing draconian laws that creep into other areas of intimate personal life.”

Louisiana’s new fetal personhood bill—which House Republicans just voted out of committee 7–2—making abortion a crime of homicide “from the moment of fertilization” and allowing prosecutors to charge patients with murder.

The ACLU reminds us that we have a right to abortion and we will fight for it. If you're taking to the streets today to march for reproductive freedom, know your rights.

"It’s an open question how abortion travel could be restricted, given porousness of state borders, but Missouri provided a hint when its health director testified that he’d compiled a spreadsheet of PP patients’ last menstrual periods"

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djvj boosted
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"Aside from rights specifically mentioned in the text of the Constitution, Alito argues, only those rights “deeply rooted in the nation’s history in tradition” deserve its protections. This is as arbitrary as it is lawless.

You have to hand it to Matt Gaetz though, no one screams "Hi. I have a micro-penis and am so intellectually insecure that smart women TERRIFY me" as effortlessly as he does.

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