Never Kill a Centipede That You Find in Your Home
House centipedes are well-known for eliminating pests such as roaches, moths, flies, and termites that may otherwise hide beneath your furniture.
The 15-legged animal carries venom on two of its legs near its head and scoops up its victim with its other legs, a practice known as “lassoing.”
Centipedes do not make nets or webs and do not carry deadly diseases, therefore they are essentially harmless.
@disk4mat Fifteen legs? Are they asymmetric?
Not particularly fond of them, but I don't kill any critters, and most beneficent ones I don't even remove. HUGE spiders are my single exception.
@disk4mat Scutigera coleoptrata - my favourite indoor #arthropod, love the leggy things. #Entomologists like more than #insects. 😀