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Looking for me from Twitter? I was @d1876o88 and @dino8352 there

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Programmer with heavy experience. engineer. Linux gamer.

Not going to lie. Not a Star Wars nerd by any stretch of the imagination but I do really like Andor.

Someone at T-Mobile finally helped me with this, replaced my (kind of old) SIM card and things work now. So difficult to get to the bottom of this and it weirdly coincided with getting the P6 + Android 13

@CriticalCupcake Tried to replace my shit Pixel 6 Pro today with a Pixel 7 Pro. Same problems. I can't receive phone calls at all, straight to voicemail, both phones. Google makes terrible garbage now. Do not buy.

Related: What's the difference between favorite and bookmark anyway?

How can I see a list of posts I marked as favorite (with the star button)? Also, I see in the API docs that you can query bookmarks but I see no way to add bookmarks in the web interface to CoSo.

Unfortunately just switched my phone from using Signal for all text messaging to the stock Messages app. Signal is wrong about dropping mixed Signal/SMS. It's like the GPL extremism all over again. Making us juggle more apps makes using Signal more complicated. I guess they'll have to learn the hard way that this is the wrong play.

Looking for me from Twitter? I was @d1876o88 and @dino8352 there

Dino boosted

One more thing. If you can afford it—and it’s okay if you can’t—please consider going Pro. It’s the cost of a coffee or a donut or something.

You get what you pay for. And here, you’re not the product being sold. That’s worth a lot.

I haven't cared for any Star Wars at all since _Return of the Jedi_ and have actively avoided it for decades. Started watching _Andor_ recently and it's really good! Will watch Rogue One eventually.

Dino boosted

Everything they've vowed to do if they regain power is obscene.

Dino boosted

Iuliia Mendel, former spokesperson to Pres. Zelenskyy:

Breaking: Germany has provided to Ukraine the first air defense system Iris-T.
It’s considered to be the best in the world

Dino boosted

Errr, got some bad news...

The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It - Scientific American

Well, my job keeps getting dumber. The company's codebase is unnecessarily complex, making our work very difficult. And now the daily 8am meetings will be longer and start at 7:30.

Dino boosted

Also, regardless of where you vote, do NOT vote in favor of bond issues. These are taxes on lower and middle class citizens to pay interest on the rich giving some up-front money for projects. So unless you're buying these bonds, you're paying in more taxes.

Dino boosted

Be nice to the new folks, even if they're not.

Dino boosted

Good morning, ! Here is one of my infrequent toots. Do you like superheroes? I've got a series of novels, any of which can be read standalone. It's called the Just Cause Universe, with stories and sub-genres to appeal to just about anyone. The first book is a free download.

Apple is hot garbage but not going to lie, I think there's no down-side to Linux on their, and everyone's, hardware.

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