I feel like we need to be more specific in describing the GOP base. it's not a simple as "working-class" - there's a LOT of POC who are working class and they're not voting Republican. you can also have a college degree and still be working class, they're generally not Republican either.
the GOP isn't working-class, it's TRAILER TRASH. white, uneducated, gay-bashing, self-loathing, "the Bible is the only thing I understand and I don't even understand that" TRAILER TRASH.
just like the rest of the Dem moderates in 2020, the race for second place still matters because they're running for VP. and if Trump taps Haley for VP we are in SERIOUS trouble. because Haley as VP checks ALL of the same boxes as Harris, and I don't doubt there are some independents stupid enough to think "I don't want Biden to be president, but I do want a WOC to be VP to ascend to the presidency when the extremely old white male president dies."
and Trump will never die.
@DavidKMresists it stands to reason that you'd be more acquainted with like-minded people. my MIL's a boomer and she's been a die-hard republican since her father-in-law would drive the whole family to the polls and order them all to vote republican. even when we lay out every single platform plank and she agrees with all of the democrat policies, she goes "...well i'm still voting for the republican." the secret: she's racist. that's all it comes down to.