NYT "both sides"ing the national debt while utterly ignoring the fact that Dem policies for both creating and solving debt HELP PEOPLE while GOP policies HURT people to help the rich
It is increasingly more despicable that the media in the USA is not calling out these false equivalences, terribly ironic since they will be the ones who suffer in totalitarianism.
TFG stating the economy does better under Democrats:
@dietotaku those biggest government programs are funded by payroll taxes (but only up to a certain threshold of income), so cutting them is not, in any way, going to "balance the budget". the ONLY reason they want to cut them is so they don't have to pay back the money illegally borrowed from the programs to fund wars in the Middle East
@dietotaku People have agonized over the national debt forever, except when unusual circumstances forced them to ignore it for a while. FDR, after blunting the Great Depression with deficit spending, tried to get balance the budget--and nearly sent the economy into depression again. Reagan ran enormous deficits and nobody in the GOP cared.
If only the establishment press would read a little modern monetary theory (and recent history) and realize the "NaTiOnAl DeBt!!!omg!!!" is only a bogeyman.
of course cutting Social Security & Medicare is a non-starter! those programs already fail to meet the needs of the people who depend on them as it is. and of course raising taxes on most Americans is also a bad idea, the rich are the ones flush with cash, why can't they foot the bill? much as I wish we could cut military spending that's obviously not happening either. so what "real solution" are you looking for, you sociopathic fucks?