Free speech absolutist Elon fires a bunch of employees for exercising their… free speech.

The irony of Trump, a former Republican president that tried to emulate Reagan, whining that he deserves “equal time,” without realizing it as Reagan who instructed the FCC to remove the Fairness Doctrine, is ever so delicious. Chef’s kiss.

Tulsa: Another mass shooting. Nothing will be done. Just like the last one and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and see you again at the next horror.

America, are you done being crazy, yet?

Whatever you do, don’t click on this image and tilt your phone to the left. Don’t!

Rest in peace and light, Vangelis. Rachel’s Song will sound all the more bittersweet.

David Kopf boosted

"Hey, what kind of show do you think kids will like?"

"I dunno... one with some kind of... death probe?"

Do you think Hitler’s dog Blondi went to hell? True, Blondi didn’t really do anything, but then again, she didn’t stop anything either, did she?

It’s 19 years old, but the Aggrolites’ “Dirty Reggae” has to be some of the best rocksteady revival recorded.

I finally confessed to my wife that I’m a coffeesexual.

She was stunned, but I understand…

It’s a latte to process.

David Kopf boosted

Using writing as therapy? I talk with fellow writer Desi Mesa about this topic on !

Check it out & subscribe!

David Kopf boosted

Already had to block one toxic person that migrated from the bird app.Ugh.

Well, at least it's Friday! Good Morning, CoSo!

This is probably one of the most important pieces the Atlantic has run in years, IMO. I hope you read it or listen to it in the hopes that it encourages you to shake off this dull haze of social media-induced non-reality that has been clogging all of our heads and step back from the lip of the pit we’re all running toward:

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David Kopf

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.