I'm dying here. π Let me just start by noting that I am very open to different lifestyles that others enjoy. I'm a large proponent of supporting anyone who lives an "alternate lifestyle", so long as it's two consenting adults and no one is being hurt.
On the other hand, some people.. And I'm not even saying she shouldn't have married him, but FFS.. π
@singlemaltgirl I agree that it mocks real relationships that struggle for society's approval, but I'm not so sure she's faking it. If I presume she loves him - she did marry him after all (250 guests! Are *they sane?) - I'm completely open to the idea if she's happy. But.. Haha. Her friend told her she saw him "cheating" on her. I mean, it's a RAG DOLL! It's biologically impossible for him to have willfully done anything. π
@danieldeaseweitzelwalker oh it's attention seeking behaviour. i'm sure there's plenty of peeps in love w. their sex dolls but they aren't setting up weddings w/ 250 people & taking pix & posting them everywhere.
peeps fall in love w/ inanimate objects all the time. men, more so than women, actually.
she's seeking attn. pure & simple. some peeps do that. she was missing the attn so made up a new outrageous story to keep attn on herself.