
@lilyunsub @raspberrypanda
New zealand river
Historic river meandering

Ruamahanga River Neon Landscape

A lidar-derived image of the Ruamahanga River on the North Island of New Zealand

@damselfly59 @lilyunsub

😍 that's a cool image.

100% have driven within view of and over that river. Runs by Martinborough in the Wairarapa.

@damselfly59 @lilyunsub

Here's a topographical map of the area. The left red line is the Tararua ranges and then there's the eastern uplands by the coast... so very much a basin. Easier seen on the coloured map.

It's this sort of land:


Yep, the southern Wairarapa is one of my favourite parts of the North Island. 👍

@damselfly59 @lilyunsub

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