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Yes, the POTUS is an utter train-wreck of a person.

Meanwhile in the Senate, they are hoping to pass their tax bill today, before a release later tonight of another non-partisan assessment of economic impacts.

So chug water, coffee, energy drinks, some B-complex, and take today off from the administrative accounts.

This guy is like the sentient fungi from Futurama, he feeds on attention, getting bigger and more horrible.

Because, meanwhile, there are friends' souls to rescue.

Sigh. F*ckin' people.

Just got an ad from crtv: a 4 minute video on how Anthony Bourdain definitely _wasn't_ killed for criticizing Hillary Clinton - or... They're so clever and coy! Haha!

It was posted July 24.
It has 2.2 million views.

Done with internet for the night.

In case anyone missed this, it is damn historic.

Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Foreign Influence Operations Using Social Media


Don't be a commie. Together, doing nothing, we can continue the status quo ✊

😢 🚁 ✈️ 🚀

@Rocknrollsavior Welcome!
Already a start on

Welcome pile-on✓
Music post✓



Yes, please and thank you.

TY @anatman for the connection

Seriously, though, the hearing today is such f*ckery. GOP all on party lines, hammering at, 'Opinion is bias!', 'You're a sinner!', and, 'You have personal viewpoints that you actually express when you thought you were in private!' 'Losing your position, and public shame for a year plus is not enough!' I relinquish my time to Jordan/Gowdy.

Dems. Why the f is that party so bad at this? They could even just copy GOP tactics, constantly giving time back to a few of their more popular hard-hitters.

Update to the First Amendment: Free expression of speech, even a privately expressed indication of possible partiality to any ideological concept or individual, is not allowed if you're a government employee/in law-enforcement.

Unless you're the POTUS. Then go on! Go f*ck with the world, haha! Who needs diplomacy or intel? We gots all the guns!!


Too often the signs we expect aren't there.

At my actual lowest times, no one had any idea.

In general, I say that a society should not be blasé about anyone being "independent" or a "loner." Just because someone is quiet, or seems very "self-sufficient," or seems stand-offish, doesn't mean they shouldn't be occasionally reminded that they are valued and welcome.

Love you CoSo for that.

I don't often give recommendations, even when solicited.

Of course, there's a 'but,...'

Encouraging you starting now to check out the June edition of The Atlantic, when it's available.

Even if you're scraping by, plan on reading the articles online, finding a library copy, saving a couple quarters a day. Something.

I will be quite surprised if the cover piece gets much mainstream attention, but I think CoSo can appreciate it.

Another PSA next week.


"There were a wide variety of ways in which we aided the Trump campaign into victory; we did very little work on the campaign, and what we did had little to no effect on the campaign success."

"The psycho-graphic profiles we build in order to influence opinion are the foundation of our success. Also, people are too smart to be influenced by our business, and in no way are the blanket and secret projects we run in foreign countries to alter their politics psy-ops."

-Cambridge Analytica

So at this point, I hope no doubts that Russia is directing the specific actions for the dismantlement of the US government to :Asshat:.

Oh, hey, it's Cambridge Analytica. Giving their pitch. On hidden camera.

Legitimate, common, legal ≠ ethical.

Good guy, that Putin.

BBC2 one-hour documentary.

❤️ you guys.

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