@MidnightRider After 25 years in IT I came to the conclusion that nothing online is ever, truly, safe and secure. You build a tighter system and hackers just build a better hacking system. We got hacked a couple times while I worked at MSU and I know they did the best they could to secure the data.
@cjcrew I’m not surprised and even with less exposure than you to the technology I came to the same conclusion.
@MidnightRider You just have to read the newspaper or follow the news online to see this. I do remember having to tell a coworker, (several times) not to fill out those pop up ads, but she wasn’t an actual IT person, she was one of the people they needed a position for when they disbanded centralized data processing. Security to her was the need for a card to get into the department. She was just waiting to retire.
@SatuUnelmia @MidnightRider Nothing wrong with too much security. It’s better than being too lax about it, which I find myself doing sometimes.