@cjcrew I think it's worse than stupid, it's willful ignorance. I will say it's not exclusive to one party and resides in the rough, way off the fairway, which is where this country needs to be led from, the fairway.
@MidnightRider Certainly not just the one party but let’s be honest, one party is a lot more willfully ignorant than the other.
I believe in a 2 party system.
True; Both have issues.
But one isn’t just chosen ignorant; they’re a cult.
The hypochristianity mindset of the whole party, politicians and constituents, that we all must live their way or else is completely unacceptable and intolerable.
This from the “law and order” but pick & choose from the Constitution ilk.
@MrsDanaD @MidnightRider I’ve been a Christian since I was 5. I chose it, it wasn’t forced on me, my parents didn’t believe in religion. Those people are not Christians. They are false prophets. They are the ones we were warned not to believe or follow. You shall know a tree by the fruit it yields, those trees yield poisonous fruit.
@MrsDanaD @MidnightRider Hood name! I like it!