Good night and sweet dreams, my friends and acquaintances x

@ucantstop_me almost like the US and UK govs are putting continued economic activity above public health... Hmmmm

Hey. I can’t spend much time here due to my eyesight, and I know a pc is needed to get the light background. Am looking for one small enough, with good resolution, to take the place of my mini tablet. Any suggestions? 🙏🏻

I love the edit feature here! You'll still see errors on my toots, though, because I'm limiting myself to one edit only. ♥️

I didn’t look too closely, but it seemed like a watermelon meeting a sledgehammer 😁

Hey you all, I've been away for a while and would like a little advice on ios CoSo apps, with a white background and dark letters.

My retinas are nearing the end of their use by date and it's difficult to read the gorgeous CoSo light on black. 😎 Any suggestions, other than Toot?

Some people are better for you than others … If they suck the self-confidence and cheery mood out of you, let them be friends with someone else.
~ Owen Fitzpatrick

Oh Cher. Hugs to you, and pass them around? I’m so sorry. xxx

There are so many reasons to support CoSo--the community being high on the list <3

But, fundamentally, I urge folks to support J because he is working incredibly hard to serve honorable principles.

How rare is that these days?

When someone puts themselves out there, at considerable expense, to serve a greater good--preventing external influence and manipulation, protecting from trolls and data harvesting?

Extremely rare.

We all need a place free from pernicious forces. All of us.

Why is it that so many people who say that they are anti-war are only anti certain wars by certain nations, but not wars by other nations?

Of course, there are always at least two sides to every story. Another fave Christmas song (poor Santa):

Thank you, Min. That is exactly it.

We'll be celebrating his life and realising how privileged we are to have known him.

And eating.

Love ya ♥️

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marjorieᶜ 😈

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.