You most certainly can prevent war by being prepared for war.

Being unprepared for war invites war. Human history stands in massive testament to that.

Intimidation has value.

Biden isn't responsible for creating or escalating Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Want peace, get Russia out of Ukraine.

100,000 US troops in Europe and NATO are the only reason that Putin's Russia hasn't invaded the rest of Europe, yet.

Shoulda stuck with ice cream...

@Render I get the need to be prepared for war but how essentially to modern warfare are ground troops any more? 100,000 sounds very high. (100% noob in this area)

@Anton Without ground troops ground cannot be held.

Of that 100,000 US troops currently in Europe approximately 20,000+/- are actual combat infantry/armored vehicle crews. All of the rest are support units (HQ, logistics, medical, helicopter crews/ground staff, drone crews, etcetcetc).

That 20,000 consists of 2 combined arms brigades (tank heavy) and 2 combined arms brigades (light infantry).


@Render @Anton
our oldest just returned from Germany, to celebrate his 21st bday week with us. 🤘🏽

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