How does one change their email on this app?

This is unfortunate. Republicans on their endless mission of hate.

So wasn't Parler supposed to be gone today? Is there a specific time it goes down? Do we get a ball drop?

Yay a counter social mobile app that’s free. I dig it.

Aaron boosted

Yep. I pretty much ran out of steam early last night. Crashed out. Meant to thank you guys for your patience and support during the technical outage. So THANK YOU guys.

Just in case anyone was wondering we had a disk fail, once it was swapped out I had to run the back restore routine, 14 hours, once that had finished, it wouldn't spin up. Lot's of trouble shooting. All good in the end.

Anyway, thanks people.



Aaron boosted

So I'm sitting here wondering what's causing our COSO thermometer to go up. I check whats up.

Turns out there's a bunch of exactly $46 donations all from different COSONAUTS.

I don't know who arranged that!

But THANK YOU guys 👊 👍

Well. I’m Canadian and taking applications for new sugar daddies lol jk

Aaron boosted
Aaron boosted
Aaron boosted

johnson and johnson suspend there covid vaccine trials due to unexplained illness in volunteer

same thing happened with the oxford trial

it could be just a precaution measure

Aaron boosted

@th3j35t3r Looking at all the oil refineries wiped out in Louisiana. Noticing all the unemployed neighbors. Winter is coming. :facepalm:

Aaron boosted
Aaron boosted

Wonder if he’s a cliche self hating closet gay turned republican?

Aaron boosted

Trump Las Vegas Sales and Marketing had:

- 0 employees
- no clear business purpose
- almost no income

Until 2016.

Then it suddenly got $20 million in "fees." When that $$ left the entity, it was written off as "business expenses" on POTUS's taxes.

Aaron boosted

@cheatyhax CoSo doesn't federate

so, firehose is just for all public toots from folk you follow and don't follow

all the toots in the firehose are all from CoSo

Aaron boosted

@cheatyhax think of the firehose as mastodon local timeline

mobile browser i think the federated column still shows but it will just show you the same content as firehose

the federated column does show in apps for mobile so in apps you can open the federated column but no CoSo toots will show in it to other instances of mastodon

if you are logged in to a few mastodon instances via any app you can see all they toots in the federated TL as normal but again no CoSo toots will show there

So what’s the difference between community fire hose and federated timeline?

Trying out this Mastodon/Counter.Social business. Not seeing a whole lot of bullshit :D


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.