@webshaun @th3j35t3r One click in that window and it's gone, though.
@chakaal @th3j35t3r I could understand free members having to deal with that. But I'm a pro member. That's why I'm asking.
@webshaun @chakaal @th3j35t3r I don't seem to be seeing that anymore. Have you cleared your cache since going pro? Maybe login from an incognito window to see if that gets rid of it.
@SvetBeard @chakaal @th3j35t3r https://counter.social/web/getting-started is the bookmark link in my browser. Every time I click on it I get that popup. It's not a cache issue, it's been cleared.
@webshaun @chakaal @th3j35t3r Of course, as soon as I posted, I hit reload and it came back. I poked around. If you type counter.social in the address bar or click a link to same, the pop over does not appear. If you go to counter.social/web/getting-started (including by clicking the big logo at the upper left or reloading the page), you get the pop over. Changing your bookmark to the plain URL might fix it.
@SvetBeard @chakaal @th3j35t3r Yes, changing the bookmark fixed it. Thank you!
@chakaal @th3j35t3r I click enough and type enough already. Every click is time spent. If I click through to this site 12 times a day that's 12 times I have to clear a banner ad.