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Vote protection hotline 1-866-OUR-VOTE. Put this in your phone, if you see problems, take pics, video, call the number. You know the voter suppression efforts will be real this year, be prepared.

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32 states + DC allow voters to vote by mail, for *any reason*, so long as they apply by late October! This seems like vital information. More on voting from home here:

Getting as many people signed up to vote by mail as possible protect our elections against coronavirus disruption, and also increases turnout. Spread the word.

moderately advanced dementia.

no, my typing hasn't improved

It's probably good to be so busy, I hardly notice the death of America.

Checking in: Either taking Father in law to dialysis or cleaning out in-laws house for sale.

The family has lived in this home for 5 generations.

damn, they have a lot of stuff

It is very hard to watch my FIL go to dialysis, when all he wants to do is die. My MIL's stroke has stabilized with her having approximately the same cognition as someone with moderately advanced cognition. The worst is when she remembers her mother is dead, every 20 minutes for days.
wish me luck

checking in.

Mother in law stroke status 25%(approx) coherent cognition. She's hysterical at least twice a day, sometimes more. And, joy, because of covid, and her not understanding phone calls or window visits, my fragile beleaguered Father-in-law (on dialysis) has gotten an adjoining room so he can calm her down.

gonna kill him.

I'm exhausted from prepping and cleaning stuff to go to the nursing home and cleaning in-laws house.😞

be wise die young


MIL stoke update: welp. not getting better. Docs say that either you quickly improve in just a few days or.... most likely you won't improve at all. There's a small chance you could improve to 6 months.

My MIL is unchanged from first waking up after stroke. She's somewhat uncooperative unless you are insistent. Doesn't want to eat, can talk, a coupla words is all you get. Asks, "Am I dead?" "Where am I?" I'd call her 25% aware. 😞

Just got reports yesterday of people down I5, setting up "checkpoints" and shooting at any Black/Brown drivers passing thru to escape. πŸ˜”


Protip: you can't shoot forest fires, or imaginary antifa. But you can shoot that deputy or cousin who's coming to check on you.

Driving through a town (not my town) that has an evac order for forest fires is cray.

Half the people dust-bowling it, with everything they own in their vehicles. The other half buying 500 yrs worth of food and ammo.

lots of ammo. Muttering abt antifa.


so, my MIL's had a stroke, and my mother's reading Q.

2020, hellscape continues.

The eyes are still dead.You can see the lines on the forehead where the face is applied to the robot. They'll never make robots look like they have a soul.

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