@ChillySnowgirl Yes, that is all true. Such natural beauty. A lot of the glaciers though are rapidly melting and have receded more than ever recorded (seems like I read that somewhere, maybe from some park literature).
@celticsfanaticentomologist Oh i'm sure it is, it's happening everywhere that it shouldn't be... 😔
@celticsfanaticentomologist omg that picture is absolute gorgeous!
@celticsfanaticentomologist WOW! Sometimes in my internetty travels, i look at photos of these sorts of parks and i'm just so grateful that someone had the foresight to think ahead and put some land aside for them. Back then it might not have seemed like such a big deal (or maybe it was?) but when you look at how built up some places got to be, it's nice that we still have parks that will (hopefully) never be ruined like that.