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HOWTO get a good CoSo experience.

Click on profiles, follow people. Posts from the people you follow will show up in your friends feed which will be less stressful than the firehose feed.

Use the search function to search for hashtags and usernames. Use hashtags in your posts.

Write something, anything. You'll notice that real people will interact with you!

Here's the CoSo user guide:

Play around with CoSo, explore, have fun!

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Welcome new CoSoNauts with cracked eggs!

Please do hatch and say hi!

Then we'll notice that you are here and you will be greeted ๐ŸŒท!

Write a bio if you like. You can jump into any conversation, it's totally ok to do so on CoSo!

Some popular hashtags are listed under the hashtag .

Feel free to join any conversation or start your own!

Read the user guide: and have a look at @CoSoTips to get started!

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You can try to hide
your awesomeness but you will
fail it will shine through

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A friendly heart for you CoSo! ๐Ÿ˜€

I'm still baffled every time someone is kind here, even if you're generally a very friendly crowd.

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This guy has to Always be covered in a blankie; if not, he'll tear and rip the bedding until he is. Sometimes I think its kind of cute, other times I want to kill him.

One of the Carolina wrens who sings in our backyard most mornings has started taking advantage of the nesting material we offer.

Cherry blossoms are awesome! ๐ŸŒธ

Today is the first time I saw some this season
and I loved it. A pleasant surprise!

This weekend: W O W some butterflies have woken up, spring is truly here now! ๐Ÿ˜€
Photo of one of the butterflies below.

Today: snow storm and 20 cm of snow. ๐Ÿ˜…

Blue and yellow spring flowers!

It's hard to believe that the most
recent snow (20 cm of it) just melted.

This flower is going to be so cool a week or two.

Right now it looks like an alien ๐Ÿ‘พ.

HIVE MIND: Imagine youโ€™re the manager hiring someone for a technical cybersecurity job. What non-obvious questions help you judge the candidateโ€™s skill/suitability? What makes those questions useful?

That is, assume youโ€™ve done the standard complement of job interview questions such as background and tool familiarity. Iโ€™m looking for stuff specific to some part of cybersecurity. Itโ€™s okay to get specific to your part of the field.

(This is for an article, but I donโ€™t need to quote anybody.)

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