If this had been Biden or Obama or any other Democrat dicking around with the FBI and the US Archives with top secret records in their shitters were any idiot could read them you'd be calling for their heads and you damn well know it.
11 investigations into Hillary turned up nothing. Now you're trying to revenge impeach Biden with absolutely no evidence. Trump even called for the impeachment because 'they'd impeached him'.
If you still support Trump you are a traitor to this country.
[cont] for some reason we are scared that punishing a President will make the country look bad.
Yes Biden had documents well past his time as VP and as soon as he discovered them he turned them all over.
Trump left office on 1/20/2021 and had possession of documents for just under year until he turned over 15 boxes on January 17th 2022 and that's not counting all the stuff he had his thugs play musical bathrooms with for months
Your boy is guilty and deserves a prison sentence.
For all you Cheeto Hitler bootlickers still out there here is what the Presidential Records Act actually says about Presidential Records:
* Until the President leaves office they are solely responsible for any documents.
* Once a President leaves office, all records immediately get transferred to the Archivist because they are legally public property.
This applies to all Presidents including Obama and Biden and a lot of leeway are given to Presidents including Trump because...
and as far as they go.. if I never see another news article or video on my phone about what Traitor Trump, or Muskrat thinks it'll be too soon.
I don't fucking care what they think. Both of them are entirely out of touch with what it means to be a regular human being. Like Go lay on your pile of gold in your cave and shut the fuck up I'm not letting you put electronics in my brain.
This post brought to you by Trump's lawyers and their 'genius billionaire' defense of fraud.
what these rich fucking assholes don't seem to realize is - you can't make money without our labor.
and no, you aren't entitled to our labor. So fucking pay us what we want or lose money.
I have no sympathy for your money grubbing asses. How many fucking solid gold moons do you assholes need when people are struggling to put food on the table? Fuck you.
a left leaning GenX-er tired of the fascist shit show that is America. Time for a reboot.