Joyous generic year-end celebration to everyone!

For anyone wanting to keep track of their favourite tech journalists after the night of the rusty sporks on Twitter today, here is the growing list of journalists on Mastodon and Fediverse:

The guy who murdered bookstores in order to make enough money to ride a dick into space seems somehow sane and normal next to the guy who spent $44B to kill a bird for USian Thanksgiving.

Realization: Twitter has become just white collar Parler.

My wife just called the creation of a display Periodic Table of Elements in which you collect the real elements for the display "science Pokémon" and I am dead. 💀​

The successful launch of the Senate Launch System, and it's deployment of the Orion capsule to a trans-lunar orbit is proof positive that pork can indeed fly.

Everyone is being awful on Twitter now. Everyone is just a recationary brain stem lashing out at everyone else, all of the time. Maybe it was always like that. Maybe my nervous system has just been away for long enough to finally notice how toxic it is. I don't know.

What I do know is that I hate it there.

Fully 25% of my feed was people whining about how people who fled to Mastadon or CoSo were either cowards, or "fragile white people who didn't want to listen to other folks' problems". And I'm a hard-core socialist who's blocked pretty much anyone who isn't a socialist.

Off of Twitter for only a couple of weeks, and I can no longer tolerate the site.

Today, I had a bad work interaction, and by habit I tried to disconnect from work and ended up mindlessly scrolling Twitter to see if there was interesting news. And holy pantaloons everything, everywhere was absolutely *toxic*. Could not continue.

Revenues plummet, but researchers report worldwide satisfaction in the taste of the event's schadenfreude.

Elon Musk spent $44B USD to turn Twitter into a bad dating app populated entirely by Weird Nerds On The Internet That Would Die For Billionaires.

This is not a solution
it's three products in a coat.
This is not a solution
it's three products in a coaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

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The cake is not a lie

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