Spoke with my family doctor of 20 years today.. his wife graduated HS with me and I trust him.
*My youngest should opt for Virtual Only school this year.
*A second wave will be hitting in the fall.
*Get your flu shot!
*He highly doubts a successful vaccine within the next year. And if there is, there is a shortage of supplies.
*He votes against going to the beach house. Mixing different households from different states is a recipe for contagion.
*He keeps his kids home, too.
@ChippySuave vbschools is voting tomorrow.
We are listening to a FB live rebroadcast of their community meeting now.
If i could afford it, I'd have my wife take a year leave rather than risk her going back, but I cannot afford that.
We are keeping our college age home, virtual classes. Even the one doing architecture is doing studio virtual.
@ChippySuave and if they do and come down with COVID-19, no workman's comp because you can't prove the virus came from working in a school during a global pandemic.
Yes, bad all around.